A Team With Over 25 Years Of Experience In Concrete Cutting

Cutting concrete can be a tough job and it requires the right tools and techniques. One of the most commonly used methods is diamond drilling, which we specialise in.

Diamond drill bits are embedded with industrial-grade diamonds, so they can easily cut through tough materials like concrete. Ideal for all kinds of construction and engineering projects, they’re ideal if you need precise measurements and clean cuts.

A speedy and efficient technique. 

Compared to traditional methods, diamond drilling is generally faster. Our concrete cutting services are ideal if you want to  significantly reduce the time needed for cutting through this material.

Diamond drilling is particularly more efficient for larger projects.

Our tools produce minimal levels of vibrations and noise, so are ideal if you need work in a city or town. This also makes diamond drilling more suitable for indoor construction sites.

Along with concrete, diamond drilling can be used for various applications, including drilling holes in stone, asphalt, glass, and other hard materials. This versatility makes it a valuable tool in different industries.

No matter the size of your project in the south west, Diamond Drilling Services delivers the precise, most accurate cutting of concrete and other materials. 

As a family-run business, we pride ourselves on our integrity and transparency at all times. Committed to health and safety, all our staff are well-trained and undergo continuous professional development.

Find out more about our concrete cutting solutions. Or contact us for more information.