Plymouth, Devon, PL47NW

Hydraulic Bursting is one of the most efficient and controlled demolition techniques. The process of conducting demolition projects can appear to be complicated and difficult. This is a controlled technique in comparison to other traditional methods. It is safe and can produce better results.

Where can we use this technique?

Hydraulic Bursting can be employed for bringing down massive concrete structures and will ensure a quality result. It can also be used for thick masonry structures. As it is one of the safest and efficient methods to use, this technique can also be used to demolish dams, floors, bridges, foundations, pillars etc.

What are the benefits of the technique?

The significant benefits of hydraulic bursting are as follows:

Confined Space: This process is considered to be ideal for confined spaces. As the process is compact, it can also be efficiently performed in constrained areas.

Noise Free: We have often seen the traditional demolition techniques produce noise while executing the process. This can cause the creation of health problems of not only the works but neighbours too. However, hydraulic bursting avoids causing any form of noise-related disturbances during the process. Thus, this can contribute to the well-being of the workers.

Man cutting concrete in the south west

No Dust: The traditional techniques also contribute to producing a tremendous amount of dust which causes severe health diseases like lung infection, asthma, asphyxiation etc. It can also cause cancer. Whereas, the hydraulic bursting process executes the project by employing dust-free techniques.

Efficiency: In case one is employing the hydraulic bursting technique, the expectation of efficiency is higher. As a result of it being dust and noise-free, the productivity level of the workers can increase. It minimizes disruption and thus helps the workers to concentrate.

Non-percussive Technique: This technique is one of the essential aspects of hydraulic bursting. It can help in maintaining structural integrity and ensures extra safety. For instance: If you are interested in demolishing only one portion of the wall, the process ensures the other half is nothing but intact. The execution of this method can undoubtedly provide better security and efficiency.

The reliable and trusted hydraulic bursting companies employ an efficient method to perform demolition projects. The company is experienced in the industry and well equipped with innovative technologies. They ensure the services are safe and secured. You can avail their wide range of services at an affordable price rate.